Monday, May 25, 2009

Comment by Mary (Earney) Whitehead

Mary left this as a comment on one of the post. I thought I would re-post so everyone could see it. Also just a side not I tried to reach a favorite teacher of mine and one that Mary mention's. Mr. Ethridge passed in 2000 according to his wife. I wish I could tell him how much he meant to me and what an influence he was on my life. I know all his students of the class of 1979 will miss him dearly....

Mary's Comment
I know at least a couple guys who benefited from Jerry Ethridge's class! :) It sounds like you have a full, fun life and are very happy -- that is great! Thanks so much for all you've done to bring us all together online and hopefully even more people at the reunion. It's been a lot of fun already on Facebook (a first for me) & reading the blog. I see a lot of life experiences, love, loss, and happiness again for many of us in all of the postings. I hope anyone who needs a litle nudge to post something on the blog will take a leap of faith & do so. Peace.

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