Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Larry Johnson

I've been living in Belleville with my wife Kris since 1985. We have 2 boys, freshman and junior in university. They are brilliant, like their mother. Kris knew what her future career would be as of junior high school and she attained it right on schedule. In contrast, I wandered from field to field. In GCHS, I decided I would become a pro-musician due to 4 fun-filled years in the band. Not being one to blaze a trial, I followed two of our class's true musicians from school to school. After a year in music schools, I eventually realized the talent and dedication required and that I was short on both counts.

So I took the road for which I was more suited, and followed another friend into engineering. After working nearly 10 years at McDonnell Douglas in electronic engineering doing kind of sciency stuff, I jumped on the internets bubble for another 8 years as a 'consultant'. Which is a high faluttin' word that really means 'contract laborer'. For the last 6 years a couple friends and I have been working under our own company. Life's been good.

Wish you all well,
Larry Johnson

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