Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Ronald P. Cline

Don't know If I'll get to attend the 30 year reunion this year, but would love to hear from some classmate of GCHS class of 1979. I currently live in Houston TX, and still come back to Granite from time to time either to see family and/or on business. Now here is a little about myself and what I've been up to.... After high school I went into the US Army as a Military Policeman. I spent the entire time (3 years) in Germany, and loved it, while traveling and seeing most of Europe. Then after my Military service I went back to college and completed a Business Degree. I then went to work for Conoco Oil, which has now merged with Phillips Oil, so it's ConocoPhillips Inc. these days. I'm currently a Statistical Analyst for ConocoPhillips and travel throughout the US on business. I spend a lot of time working in Los Angeles CA and Savannah GA, which is where we have 2 large lubricant facilities. Anyhow..., its really not all that exciting, but it pays well, and I enjoy the travel. I stayed single until age 33, when I finally got married for the first and only time, we had no children, therefore I continued to be the child. Still enjoying outdoor activities and sports with a little adrenaline rush, such as motorcycles, flying, white water rafting, snow skiing, and scuba diving, back packing, horseback riding, etc... Anything that keeps my heart pumping so I can feel young again. In fact..., I just got back from Breckenridge CO, where we did some hiking and horseback riding in the mountains. Love to hear from you...


  1. Hi Ron,
    That was such a nice compliment. Thank you. Most of my friends are 5 years old and homeless. Several of the kids say I remind them of their grandma and one of the homeless guys at the soup kitchen said I would be really pretty if I wore lipstick. Nice bike, stay safe, and maybe we'll see you at the reunion.
    Cindy Kofahl

  2. Hi Ron! Sounds like you are doing good. This is Pam Roberts (ironically my married name is also Roberts - no relation though!! ha ha) We live in Union, MO on some acreage and I have two kids (Kelly 19, and Jimmy 16) and three step-kids (ages 30, 26, and 21) and three grandkids!! Who would have thought!! haha Remember all the driving around, playing pool in our basement, and the time we all rode up to wrestling state (me, you, Tim Kirksey and my sister) and you were wanting to throw me out of the car because I was sick from drinking!! ha ha Ironically Tim Kirksey ended up marrying my husbands sister so he is my kids uncle!! Small world! Glad to see you are doing good, had alot of good memories from back then, wish you all the best!

  3. Yes Pam I remember all those nights back at your parents house shooting pool. I also remember falling down those stairs to the basement a lot too. We all had a lot of fun back then! Sounds like things are going well for you, so I'm happy for ya. Take care girl, I think we all miss those good ole days.

  4. Thats right!! I forgot about the time I think it was you and John Shable (or was that Brian Basore??) would stand at the top of the stairs with your back to the basement and say "watch this" and tumble down the stairs!! Good thing you were both drunk or you would have really hurt yourselves! I actually still have all my "journals" that I wrote in back then and it is fun sometimes to go back and read all the crazy stuff we all did! But now that I have teenagers I dread all the "crazy stuff" they will be doing also - hopefully they will come through it all ok like we did!! :) Pam

  5. Hey Ron...Jeff Davis here. I also live in Houston (kingwood). We need to get together and have a beer. My email is 281-413-6106 Oh yeah...Hope you remember who I am.

  6. Hey Jeff, I do remember you, but I was trying to recall, didn't we also play baseball together as well, Little league? Yes, let's get the hottest month "August" over, then maybe we can meet somewhere for a beer or two. After the hot humid weather is over, I'll be looking for an excuse to ride the Harley.
