Friday, April 10, 2009

Shannon Glasgow

After studying at Harlaxton College in the English Midlands, I finished my BA in International Relations from William Jewell College in Liberty, MO in 1982. The next 13 months were spent traveling around Europe and North Africa, staying with friends in the UK and working on farms / in restaurants in Finland, Norway and Ireland. After returning to the US, completed an MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language at SIU-C. In 1986 moved to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, where I worked 13 years, mostly as the Coordinator for In-House and Overseas Language and Work-Related Training Programs at the headquarters of a major petrochemical company, SABIC. Married Christiane, a Syrian Christian raised in Cairo, in 1990. Daughter Rebecca followed in 1991 and son Patrick in 1992. They've grown up trilingually -- English, Arabic and French. Joined UAE University as an English for Specific Purposes Instructor in Al Ain, United Arab Emirates, in 1999. Then moved to Abu Dhabi University as the Deputy Director of the English Language Institute at the Al Ain campus in 2005, where I still work. Have been active with Toastmasters since 1994, later founding Al Ain's 1st club and currently serving on the organizing committee of the Arabian Gulf region's annual convention, which will be held in Abu Dhabi next month ( Am attaching a photo of the kids and me in Goa, India, last month.

All the best,


  1. Sure is alot more exciting than washing cars for the Social Studies club!

    Carla Francis-Synak

  2. You've led a very interesting and adventurous life. Anita Busch

  3. I hope you're well Shannon, thanks for your support in SABIC way back then. I hope yore well and family too. Take care. A good guy.
    Michael Rickard.
