Thursday, March 19, 2009

Karen (Doty) Beasley

Since graduation I have had a wide variety in my working career. I worked as a Certified Ophthalmic Assistant for Drs. Schnellmann and Doisy for 13 years. It was an interesting field and I especially enjoyed learning to assist in cataract surgery. I did however, become tired of "checking eyes" all day and wanted a change of pace. I have since worked as a scale house clerk in GC Steel, payroll/accounts payable clerk for a local trucking company, and an Office Manager for a real estate title company. I am now currently employed at Nicol Financial Services as a Client Relations Specialist.
I have been married to Dennis Beasley for 22 years. We have 3 kids, Dennis II is 30 married and has a 2 1/2 year old daughter, is an IT Manager, Kyle is 20 a junior at SIU-E and works at Pizza Hut and Rachel is 16 a junior at GCHS and is in the Marching & Concert bands and active in our church youth group.


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