Wednesday, March 11, 2009

What happend today.......

I recieved an email from Rocky bright and early to let me know he doesn't know much about blogging but if it is a way to get the word out about the reunion he was all for it. I think once I get some people interviewed or submitting their stories we should draw some attention. So bare with me and my rambling....
Lets see, I didnt make too much progress on finding people today, but I did get a few more people verified. Lets see Rocky forwarded me Kim Dittrich-Diest with a new email address, I spoke with Gary Vogeler, Jan Purkey Cook passed on Cherie Hahne's email address, Margret Lovins Brandt who passed on an email address for Sue Cambell Ropac and recieved an email from Rosalie Ponce Christopher. So now the running tally is 84 alumni we have found. I have a stack of paperwork from the 10, 20 and 25 year reunion that I am trying to reference but is a bit time consuming. So the search continues........


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